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The Worldwide Elite Embassy is the founding organization of the Music Embassies.  It is a major global organization consisting of over 60 Elite Embassies. Each Embassy has a specific focus to assist those who are interested in music, entertainment, business and personal development. The Embassies fall within four distinct industrial categories; which are Music Embassies, Business Embassies, Entertainment Embassies, and a Humanitarian Embassy.)



The Music Embassies were developed for all music genres and can be utilized by talented individuals (with or without management), producers, composers, managers/management companies, Indie Record Label owners, Media/PR companies and also by music fans or basically anyone or entity in the music industry. Those who elect to use the Embassies for their talent are seeking a unique approach toward the advancement of their careers in the music business.

Music fans can also take advantage of the organization in numerous ways. By becoming a member, music fans enjoy many perks, benefits and savings. This also includes chances to win cash, prizes, trips, tickets to events, opportunities to meet their favorite entertainers, as well as many other exciting opportunities.

Just as countries have embassies to accommodate its citizens, now the different genres of music each have their own embassy to cater to its clients’ and members’ interests on a global level. Our Embassies consist of one Embassy per popular music genre, as well as a Musicians Embassy, Producers Embassy, Promoters Embassy and Multi-Media Embassy. These innovative entities were established to assist, support, guide, develop, educate, protect and invest in individuals engaged in all aspects of the music industry.

Please keep in mind, as we mentioned in the


Getting Started in the Music Industry

segment, we are not here to build our organization up, we are here to assist you with building, advancing and expanding your current business and career in the music industry.  Whether you are just getting started or are established, no matter the level you are on, we can provide you with genuine assistance to take your career and business to the next level.

Below you will find options which are from our various divisions.  Whether you are a recording artist, composer, producer, songwriter with or without management, you will need these types of services to assist you with the advancement of your career.  Independent Record Labels, Managers and Management companies use our organization to assist them with the artists and composers they are developing and working with.  We are here for those who would like to utilize the Music Embassies as the tool it was developed to be.  Producers and Composers need professional representation and development just like a recording artist so no matter what you do in the industry, we are here to be that strength.



There are several options for each client to choose from that will satisfy their comfort level when utilizing the organization. We have a Publishing Division, Booking Division, Professional Representation Division, Distribution Division and Global Exposure Division; each with many options to choose from. Clients are free to simply use a service when needed or take advantage of one or multiple divisions and programs, as this is an organization to be utilized by its clients in order to assist them to reach their maximum potential.  The most important investment that you can make in your career in the music industry is to invest in our ONE day INTENSIVE Music Industry Training and Orientation.  It is by far the best investment that our clients have made.



Our Publishing Division (Elite Embassy Publishing) offers publishing services for recording artists, poets, songwriters, musicians, producers and also book authors. We offer a unique opportunity for those who are in need of publishing administration, co-publishing or full publishing. While offering our services, we also educate our clients on all aspects of the publishing industry so that they understand their rights as an author or composer, royalties, master rights and more. We offer completely transparent record keeping in regard to royalty payments and licensing fees. Our honesty, integrity, and professionalism are evident as we provide top quality services for our clients who are able to publish their works without having to surrender their artistic rights. As a publisher, our role is not only to register our clients’ works, collect royalties on their behalf, license their music, but most importantly, it is to protect their rights.  One most important factor of our Publishing service is that we will assist you in setting up your own publishing entity once your initial agreement has been satisfied so that you can earn additional income from the publisher’s portion of royalties that will come in from your music whether in whole or in part.  As a career and business advancement organization we want you to grow and will not take ownership of your copyright as other publishers do.  We will play a key role in assisting you to when you are ready to take that step.  All of the information about our unique publishing division set up is explained during our Music Industry Training Sessions.



Our Booking Division (Embassy Bookings) offers booking services not only for talent in the music or entertainment field but also for services outside of those industries. Our bookings for services are for all types of services from music needs, entertainment needs to even home, personal and/or travel needs. However, those in the Music Industry can elect to retain the talent booking services of our organization where we offer Exclusive and Non-Exclusive agreements.



In regard to our Professional Representation Division, our ideal clients are those who would like to develop a well-structured career and business infrastructure as CEO of their own empires. Our clients are able to choose from three different options; A, B and C. Our team of professionals, executives and consultants develop innovative strategic career and business advancement plans with unique concepts to create enterprises for our clients who then operate as CEO’s of their own musical businesses. We then assist and guide them in the management of their career portfolio as their COO, Chief Operating Officer, either exclusively or in conjunction with their current management depending on the representation option that they have chosen. If we are retained to do so in Option A or if the clients are in Options B or C, WEE assist with all business matters while vetting offers presented to them and creating opportunities for them, while our clients focus on the creative aspects of their career. Whether, just beginning or well established, WEE will assist you in taking your career to the next level. As the coordinators of our clients’ careers, it is important to minimize the clients’ time with business matters that may be non-conducive to their advancement so that they can concentrate on developing their talent. WEE screen the offers and proposals that are presented by outside sources, while our team strategically creates opportunities from within. Regardless of the origin of the opportunity, our clients are presented with each one and are given input along with recommendations from our professional team of advisors. Embassy clients enjoy being fully involved in all of their career choices as the ultimate decision is always left up to them, as they are the CEO. Our clients are never restricted in any manner, as we believe that no one should be limited when reaching for success. The Music Embassies have flexible options available to suit our clients’ needs and budget, ensuring their business and careers are on the right track. With our organization, there are no limits as we strive to advance the careers of our clients globally.



Our clients need not fear being trapped in unfair contracts, as is often experienced with some record labels and management firms. Our “No Contract” option (Option A) assist individuals, companies, and/or investors who are fully capable of funding their careers or their clients’ careers and wish to retain the expertise of our team of professionals to assist them in their musical venture. This option offers flexibility depending upon the needs of the client. They may opt to use a single service or multiple services. We are also available to assist for either a long or short-term project, or on a long-term basis as an extension of their team.



Management Assistance (B) & Branding Partnership(C)

The organization assists by providing an outlet to those who may not have had access to the necessary capital needed to fund the appropriate team and vital exposure for their career development and advancement. With this new and innovative global organization, it is now possible as we invest in them in part. There are other options available (Option B and Option C) for those who may or may not have sufficient career funding and would like to partner with our organization and global team. To qualify for this option, they must apply to the organization for assistance. Through the Management Assistance Division (Option B) or Branding Business Partnership (Option C), we are able to invest in these individuals in part or fully, depending on the applicant’s qualifications and approval by our team. Please keep in mind that all options within our organization can be utilized by individuals either with or without management. For those who choose to utilize the organization’s Professional Representation Division, where we assist with managing the client’s careers alongside them, there are some additional fees that do apply depending on the option that they choose.



One of the greatest things about utilizing the organization for professional representation is that it helps to reduce our clients’ costs in numerous ways. They are not only paying a lesser percentage for their professional representation needs/ management needs, they are also reducing their overhead and operational costs dramatically since our clients contribute to a program fee pool. They pay a tiny fraction of the monthly operation and overhead costs that they would normally pay individually to run their business, therefore, reducing their expenses while increasing their profit. This weekly fee helps to offset operational and overhead expenses, which could normally run thousands of US dollars per month for well needed and mandatory career and business expenditures. Due to our creative and cooperative program, these important necessities come at a minimal fraction of what they would normally cost. Each client’s contribution toward their program fees is as little as $3.23USD per day, depending on the level of membership. In order to receive such a low rate, we encourage our clients to support the organization that supports them by becoming an Embassy Elite VIP Member which not only supports our many positive missions but provides our clients with great savings for their career and business advancement in addition to other perks and benefits. We even have special programs for those who may not have access to the necessary funds to be able to afford the costs of being CEO of their own career. These programs not only create solutions for the client to pay for their program fees and budget for their career development and advancement, but also to earn a living while they are developing their craft, career and business.



In addition to the Divisions within the Music Embassies, we also have programs and services at our clients’ disposal to not only provide them with convenience but also protection from many issues that exist in the industry. For example, we have our Safe Service Programs. Within this program, we have services to protect both the consumer and service provider for Bookings, Master Rights Revenue Collection, and Embassy Unity Projects to name a few. We also host Embassy Musical Adventure Weeks for creative musical unity projects, talent searches for our talent list for paid projects, and many other projects, programs and services.



The music industry is immense and there is a great deal to know. Therefore, one of our goals is to provide education in as many areas of the industry as possible whether or not you decide to utilize our organization’s services. We accomplish this goal by having educational orientations which educate about many critical topics pertaining to the industry such as what you need to do first, how to protect your music, the roles of each organization in the music business, understanding royalties, song splits, publishing, and much more. By attending this orientation we also inform you of the various division of the organization for you to use as the tool it was developed to be and the many options for you to choose from.



We conduct educational Music Industry Training Orientations worldwide in either a Private Training or in a larger group setting. These trainings may be in person if available in your area or via skype or phone.

Rates for Trainings vary depending on location since grants are available to assist you with the cost of the training.

All rates and grants are subject to change without notice.

Trainings/Orientations are mandatory in order to enter into any of the divisions, however, if you are simply utilizing the services of the organization and not electing to be in the Publishing, Distribution or Professional Representation Divisions, you are not required to attend an orientation to utilize the services individually or the booking division.



All Rights Reserved 2006-2025 Music Embassies / Elite Embassy